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Bravecto Topical Solution for Dogs 9.9 - 22 lbs (2 Dose)

Bravecto Topical Solution for Dogs 9.9 - 22 lbs (2 Dose)
List Price: $175.00
Sale Price: $131.98
Code: brv922top2
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  • Have your vet call or fax us
  • Mail us the original prescription
Bravecto Topical for Dogs is a topical flea and tick preventative that provides continuous protection for up to 12 weeks. It also protects against lone star ticks for up to 8 weeks. Bravecto Topical for Dogs is easy to apply and remains effective against fleas and Ixodes ricinus ticks following bathing or swimming. For Bravecto Topical for Dogs to remain effective, don't bathe or let dog swim until 3 days after application. Bravecto Topical for Dogs requires a prescription from your veterinarian.
For topical use on dogs and puppies over 6 months of age and weighing more than 4.4 lbs only. Not for use on humans. Use on dogs only. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Do not touch or allow children to touch the application site until it is dry. Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling Bravecto Topical for Dogs. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. If contact with eyes occurs, then flush eyes slowly and gently with plenty of water. Wash hands and contacted skin thoroughly with soap and water immediately after applying Bravecto Topical for Dogs.
Use with caution in dogs who have a history of seizures. Seizures have been reported in dogs following the application of fluralaner. Some dogs without a history of seizures have also experienced seizures following application of fluralaner.