Clorazepate 7.5mg PER TABLET

Clorazepate 7.5mg PER TABLET
List Price: $5.50
Sale Price: $1.20
Code: cloraz7
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Product Info:

Clorazepate is an anti-convulsant used to reduce anxiety in dogs and cats. Specifically used to treat thunderstorm phobia, other phobias, separation anxiety and other situational fears.

It may also be useful for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. In cats, clorazepate has been recommended for treatment of feline hyperesthesia syndrome.

Clorazepate is a benzodiazepine. This class of medicines is used to slow down the nervous system. In dogs, clorazepate is often administered with phenobarbital and used to help treat convulsions.

Generic For:

Clorazepate is generic for Tranxene


Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

Additional Info:

Signature is required upon delivery.

Only veterinary prescriptions will be filled on the order of a licensed veterinarian.


Tell your veterinarian if you give any medicines to your pet, as there are some potential adverse interactions. This medication should never be administered without first consulting your veterinarian.

Use with caution in animals with myasthenia gravis, and in working animals (military dogs, police dogs, seeing eye dogs, hearing dogs, etc.) as it may cause too much sedation. Signs of toxicity or overdose include increased sedation, in-coordination or stumbling, confusion, decreased reflexes, or coma. Contact your veterinarian if you see these signs or if you know or suspect your pet has received an overdose of clorazepate.

Use with extreme caution in animals who have liver disease or aggressive animals, as it may increase aggressive behavior, especially fear-associated aggression.

Side Effects:

The most common side effects include drowsiness and muscular inco-ordination. These effects occur infrequently, are mild and usually pass with time. This medication should be used cautiously in dogs displaying fear-induced aggression. Other side effects may occur. If you notice anything unusual, contact your veterinarian.