Imatinib Mesylate 400mg PER TABLET

Imatinib Mesylate 400mg PER TABLET
List Price: $12.00
Sale Price: $1.50
Code: imat400
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Product Info:

Imatinib is a protein kinase inhibitor that is used as a chemotherapy agent in the treatment of certain types of cancers in cats and dogs. Most commonly, it is used to treat gastrointestinal stromal tumors and hemangiosarcoma in canine patients; and mast cell tumors, fibrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and hypereosinophilic syndrome in feline patients.

How It Works:

Imatinib works by blocking signaling pathways in tumor cells on an intracellular level. The medicine accomplishes this by binding to a specific amino acid residue within the ATP binding pocket and the activation loop. This action results in the deregulation of the cell’s ability to grow and divide, thereby stopping cancer cell reproduction.

How To Handle:

Imatinib is a very powerful medicine that needs to be handled with great care, and the tablets should never be crushed or split. Gloves should be worn when administering imatinib to your pet, or at the very least, you should wash your hands thoroughly after touching the tablet.

This drug should be kept well away from children and women who are pregnant or nursing, as well as any other pets in the home that aren’t being treated for cancer. In addition, you should avoid contact with the feces, urine, and/or vomitous from dogs or cats being treated with imatinib.

Precautions & Interactions:

The use of Imatinib should be avoided in animals that have a known allergy to the drug. It should also be used with extreme caution in patients that are pregnant, nursing, or used for breeding, as the drug has been shown to have adverse effects on reproduction.

Imatinib should also be used with extreme caution in patients with pre-existing gastrointestinal disorders, heart problems, and liver problems. In such cases, the benefit of treatment needs to be weighed against the potential side effect risks.

Side Effects:

Imatinib is a very strong chemotherapy agent, so it can produce a number of uncomfortable side effects, the most common of which include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, leukopenia, fatigue, and certain skin reactions.

A few more serious side effects can also occur, however, these tend to be far less common. These other side effects can include liver toxicity, heart problems, fever, and gastrointestinal issues, such as GI bleeding. If your pet coughs or vomits up blood, or has blood in her stools, then the veterinarian should be contacted immediately.