Semintra 10mg/mL 35 mL

Semintra 10mg/mL 35 mL
List Price: $175.00
Sale Price: $128.79
Code: semintra35ml
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Product Info:

Semintra Oral Solution for Cats is an FDA-approved treatment for hypertension in felines. Hypertension is most commonly found in older cats and can affect multiple body parts including the eyes, heart and vascular system, brain and kidney and is often difficult to diagnose.



California Pet Pharmacy proudly sources directly from the manufacturer. Guaranteed genuine and backed by the manufacturer.

Side Effects:

The most common side effects reported in field studies include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, dehydration, poor appetite, and weight loss. If side effects should occur, pet owners should contact their veterinarian.


Semintra can cause mild anemia or nonregenerative anemia. Cats should be monitored for anemia when initiating treatment with Semintra.

Semintra may cause inappetence and weight loss in some cats. Cats should be monitored for weight loss when initiating treatment with Semintra. Use with caution in cats with a history of vomiting, inappetence or weight loss.